
Hello Roseville Heights friends and neighbors!

My name is Samantha, and I am secretary of Roseville Heights Neighborhood Board. I first joined the Board in November 2017. I will admit, I didn’t mean to. When I found “RHNA,” myself and a few friends attended one or two meetings and our group of three made up the majority of the audience. After only a few meetings, it was clear the group was winding down, about to close up shop. Attendance was low, and the volunteers who were on the Board had busy lives and couldn’t put in time like they used to. I found myself stepping up and joining the Board in an effort to keep the group going.

Now, four years later, the RHNA Board has five official members, has teamed up with its next-door neighborhood Los Cerritos Neighborhood Association, partnered with a local non-profit Invest Health and with the City of Roseville, and has become a vehicle of information sharing and change. Exciting things are happening in the neighborhood. But there is still so much more to do.

Our neighborhood isn’t perfect. But it’s ours. We have some passion projects we’re tackling: creating a safer, more user-friendly Weber Park for one; and promoting a more walk-able neighborhood is another. What passion projects for our area might you have always had interest in but have never had the time, the resources, or the team to make them realty?

Roseville Heights Neighborhood Association Board members are people like you who have volunteered to serve on the Board, have been formally elected, and have committed to a one-year term. Only residents of Roseville Heights can be elected and only residents of Roseville Heights can vote. Our election this year will be held on December 1, 2021. Email us at rhna@rcona.org. by November 10, 2021 if you feel inspired to serve, to connect with the community, and to build a better home in our neighborhood. Current Board members will meet with anyone who is interested to discuss RHNA, what it is and what it does, talk about its parent organization Roseville Coalition of Neighborhoods Association (RCONA), and answer any questions you may have.

If serving on a Board is out of reach for you at this time, but you want to stay informed and involved, attend our monthly meetings to hear the latest on what’s happening, learn about the next steps with our passion projects, meet new people and neighbors, and subscribe to receive email updates and text reminders (text “subscribe” to (916) 476-2500 or email us at rhna@rcona.org to sign up for email updates).

I may not have originally intended to join a neighborhood association Board four years ago, but I’ve really found an appreciation for the work that RHNA does, a love for knowing what’s happening in the neighborhood, and a feeling of empowerment knowing I can make a difference. We hope to see you around the neighborhood. 

Samantha Shapiro

Secretary of RHNA